
words from our customers


Hi Nadia, hope you are well. Thought I would send you a recent picture of Trane (Wolfgang from your W litter with Paxx and Willow). He is doing great and we love him so much. Couldn’t ask for a better dog with my family. Here he is at 22 month.

Taken today...Henry is amazing! I am so so grateful he’s the biggest part of my world! You are truly the best of the best GSD breeder mom! My goodness, thank you, thank you Nadia!!!!!!!

Just a reminder how amazing your dogs are:) beautiful and sweet. Maia and Maggie are doing great!

Greetings Nadia,

I just wanted to let you know how impressed we are by Rufus! His superb breeding is evident by his temperament. He is so easy going, confident, and funny. He has fit right into our chaos 🙂 the boys adore him, and he thinks they’re pretty awesome, too. Our biggest battle right now is teaching him that they aren’t his litter mates and that he can’t nip at them.

Our mini Schnauzer is also busy teaching him who’s boss. She’s pretty much established that she is, but Rufus won’t give up on making her a play mate. She’s growing more soft each day.

He’s slept through the night since night 1 which has been amazing. We’ve left him in his crate for an hour a few times, and he’s slowly warming up to that. Mostly he goes everywhere with us so he can see, hear, and smell new things. This is where I’m most impressed. Not once has he acted skittish toward any new stimuli, except for today when we went to a neighbor’s pool. He wasn’t too sure about the splashing noise but quickly realized we were phased by it so he wouldn’t be either. He even let us hold him in the water with us!

We are so grateful for him and for you for pointing him out to us. Each day he heals my soul from the loss of Argus just a bit more 🙂


Valerie Dye

I just wanted to take a minute to tell you how well Pepper (Una von den Oher Tannen) is doing. At 18 weeks, she has mastered all of her basic obedience and is doing great with her public access work! She is so intelligent and I know she will be a great service dog. Thanks, Nadia!

Dear Nadia,

At nine months, Robin is solid muscle, keenly observant and excelling in scent detection. Each morning at dawn we hike across the cliffs bordering our property. Robin has befriended two young bears, and come upon snakes, skunk, turkey and box turtles. She responds perfectly to my call-back whistle.

She resumes professional training August 1, and we hope to begin competing in AKC scent work in the fall.

I remain so grateful to you for releasing Robin to me as a baby. She fills every moment of my life with joy.

I hope you are well and happy.

With appreciation always,


Hi, Nadia!

I’ve been thinking of you lately and how I’ve wanted to send some photos of our handsome man, Bruce. We’re so infatuated by him- he’s the best dog ever and we cannot thank you enough. Bruce turns heads everywhere he goes! Seriously, the compliments are endless- I always tell people about how fabulous you are!
Here are some photos of Bruce over the past 6 months that we’ve had him.
Thank you again for granting us with all the joy your amazing dogs bring!



I wanted to send you a recent picture of Seeger. He’s 5 years old now and we couldn’t be more proud of him. He’s smart, athletic, easy to train, and eager to please. We just love him – he is truly part of the family. In addition to the traditional dog trading, we do hikes, bike rides, and visits to wherever. We even take him on vacations with us because the bond is so strong it just wouldn’t be the same without him. Thank you so much for helping us select him. Very best to you Nadia.


Hi Nadia,

I realized I hadn’t sent you a pic of Pixel in a while so I figured I would remedy that. Lynsey and I had a little girl about two and a half months ago and here are our two month photos. We love Pixel so much!! She is loved and gets dog ice cream on a regular basis.

Hey! Just wanted to send a few pics of Samson. His parents are Petra/Jever. He is doing so well! We just love him so much. He is so loyal to our kids and us. When we are out in the yard, he just wants to be wherever we are. He loves car rides and he has a special bond with our two year old. We just want to sincerely thank you for such a great dog! I’ll continue to send pics as I remember. Thank you again!


Wiley is an Oher Tannen and the best GSD ever. Our daughter was 3 when we got him and over the last year, we have had numerous family members, friends and even a professional dog trainer be amazed by his gentle demeanor towards her and his extreme intelligence regarding her age and his boundaries around her. We are a forever fan of Oher Tannens and love him for being a gentle giant towards our children while protective of those he loves!


This is your name sake. She is better known as Gabi, Miss Gabs, Princess Gabriella, etc. She is loyal, smart,obedient, and a friend to all. Thank you for providing us with such a remarkable animal. My niece visited last week with her five-month old twin girls and Gabi never let them out of her sight. She was mother and protector.

Selena Gardner

Hi Nadia!
It’s been quite a while since we’ve been in touch and thought we’d share a picture of Quake (taken today). He’s doing well and is a special member of the family. He’s a smart boy and really has a sense of humor.


We are in love……….this pup is really special. I can tell. Confident and independent, but loving and yes, funny. He seems to like the city and the country.
We have named him Boaz. Google the meaning of his name. Bo for short. We think it’s a good fit.
Here’s Boaz in our son Macklin’s stroller. He’s going to the vet on Friday for next round of shots.
Had hoped to give you this update sooner, but we’ve been BUSY all getting to know one another.


These wonderful boys have a blast together! Sully on the left, Odin on right.
They are both smart, loving, growing boys! So thankful they are here with us.
I will try to get more pictures but they are pretty fast.

Hi Nadia,

Just wanted to share with you something from yesterday – I was driving in lots of traffic with Spitfire looking out the back window. Someone blew their horn repeatedly, and I was like now what! and ignored it. They kept honking, then a car pulled next to me but 2 lanes over, and a woman shouted, “Where did you get your dog??? She’s beautiful!” The light turned green then, and I just had time to tell her google German Shepherds in Tyrone and your name. I think that qualifies as a pretty big compliment for your kennel! Whenever we go to Petsmart too she gets tons of compliments – even from a guy who is a police dog trainer.

Spitfire is taking the Therapy Dogs International exam next month. Not sure if she is ready, but we can always use it as a practice run and try again when she’s a bit older. LOTS of energy now at 13 months of course. Poor Fly can’t even compete anymore – she herds him like a sheep and takes away all his toys!


Hi Nadia. Hope you are doing well. Just wanted to pass along some new pictures of Janak.
He is growing so fast! Can’t believe he will be 4 months in just a week or so. I can’t tell you how happy we are with him. He has made a wonderful addition to our family.


Congratulations on your recent shows. They all look so beautiful! You have been busy!
Just want to give you an update for Odin. He just turned one this week and needed to share how wonderful he is! Our son had to move back home temporarily so we are full with all three. Odin is smart and sweet! He also can be very spirited and loud to get what he wants! We are so lucky to have him! He is large and strong too! Sending picture too.
Thank you for all you do.


I still can’t thank you enough for this guy. We’ve had so much fun together so far and it’s a constant custody battle between my dad and I as far as who gets to keep him for the day! Here’s a recent one of Fred at the park. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



Hi Nadia,
I’m happy to report Nico, (Lukas von den Oher Tannen), received his BH back on Dec 1. We certainly couldn’t have pulled it off without the guidance and encouragement offered by T Floyd, Kelly Horgan and the rest of the team at East Coast SchH and Police Club. I feel like I’m just scratching the service of what represents a true bond between dog and handler. I’ve learned much these past few months but also come to realize just how much more I need to learn. I’m looking forward to IPO1 in the near future with T and Kelly. I can’t thank you enough for referring us to T., am forever grateful for Nico. He continues to grow in confidence and personality, he is quite the character.
