SV Terminology

Hip and elbow results

a1 normal

normal. Compare to OFA excellent

a2 fast normal

almost normal. Compare to OFA good

a3 noch zugelassen

still accepted. Compare to OFA fair

a6 Ausland

acceptable rating from an approved country

Breed show ratings:

VA Vorzüglich Auslese

Excellent select

V Vorzüglich


SG Sehr Gut

Very Good

G Gut


A Ausreichend


Working titles:

IGP1, 2, 3

International title (Tracking, Obedience, Protection)

RH 1, 2, 3

Search & Rescue title

ZH 1, 2

Customs title


Police title

FH 1, 2

Tracking title


Herding title

Coat specifications:

st – stockhaar

standard or stock coat

lsth – langstockhaarig mit Unterwolle

longstock coated with undercoat

lstho – langstockhaarig ohne Unterwolle

longstock coated without undercoat

langh – langhaarig


Other abbreviations:

* – angekört

breed surveyed

ZB – Zuchtbewertung

breed show rating

KB – Körbericht

breed survey report

DNA gpr.

DNA tested

LGZS – Landesgruppenzuchtschau

Regional breed show

BSZS – Bundesiegerzuchtschau

Country breed championship (this term is only used for the German Siegershow)

BSP – Bundessiegerprüfung

Country trial championship (this term is only used for the German Championship)

LGA – Landesgruppenausscheidung

Country trial qualifier

TSB – Triebveranlagung, Selbstsicherheit u. Belastbarkeit

Drive, self-confidence and resilience


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