SV Terminology
Hip and elbow results
a1 normal |
normal. Compare to OFA excellent |
a2 fast normal |
almost normal. Compare to OFA good |
a3 noch zugelassen |
still accepted. Compare to OFA fair |
a6 Ausland |
acceptable rating from an approved country |
Breed show ratings:
VA Vorzüglich Auslese |
Excellent select |
V Vorzüglich |
Excellent |
SG Sehr Gut |
Very Good |
G Gut |
Good |
A Ausreichend |
Sufficient |
Working titles:
IGP1, 2, 3 |
International title (Tracking, Obedience, Protection) |
RH 1, 2, 3 |
Search & Rescue title |
ZH 1, 2 |
Customs title |
Police title |
FH 1, 2 |
Tracking title |
Herding title |
Coat specifications:
st – stockhaar |
standard or stock coat |
lsth – langstockhaarig mit Unterwolle |
longstock coated with undercoat |
lstho – langstockhaarig ohne Unterwolle |
longstock coated without undercoat |
langh – langhaarig |
longcoated |
Other abbreviations:
* – angekört |
breed surveyed |
ZB – Zuchtbewertung |
breed show rating |
KB – Körbericht |
breed survey report |
DNA gpr. |
DNA tested |
LGZS – Landesgruppenzuchtschau |
Regional breed show |
BSZS – Bundesiegerzuchtschau |
Country breed championship (this term is only used for the German Siegershow) |
BSP – Bundessiegerprüfung |
Country trial championship (this term is only used for the German Championship) |
LGA – Landesgruppenausscheidung |
Country trial qualifier |
TSB – Triebveranlagung, Selbstsicherheit u. Belastbarkeit |
Drive, self-confidence and resilience |
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True German Shepherd Dogs, Atlanta, Georgia
Contact info
Owner: Nadia Adams
Address: Atlanta, Georgia
Phone: (678) 480-6000
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