About us
About Us
Nadia Adams
Nadia was born and raised near Hamburg, Germany. She immigrated to the United States in 1991 and embarked on a 23-year career at a Fortune 500 company. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Global Studies, graduating with honors.
After more than a decade of experience as a hobby breeder, trainer, and exhibitor, Nadia turned her hobby into a passionate full time commitment when she left the corporate world to devote all her time to raising, training, and competing with her dogs. Success was imminent: With her VA1 Paxx von den Oher Tannen Nadia produced the #1 male in the country, inducting her into a select and elite group of U.S. breeders to have achieved this placing.
For many years Nadia has successfully competed with her dogs at the world championship in Germany, the premier world event for this breed. She is well known and respected throughout her field. To further solidify her presence as a world class breeder in 2016 Oher Tannen was named the #1 kennel in the United States.
Nadia’s journey began in the early 2000’s when she purchased her first German Shepherd puppy in Germany, a female named Isabella vom Nordlandzwinger. Isabella lived to be nearly 14 years of age and is still present in the Oher Tannen bloodline today.
The “Oher Tannen” is a small forest in the northern part of Germany, very close to the city of Hamburg. Growing up, I had a clear view of this beautiful forest from my bedroom window. This is where I played as a child, camped and hiked. We took our Yorkie for walks through here and went horseback riding. I have very fond memories of the “Oher Tannen”.
Since moving to the United States in 1991, I have tried to keep my German roots alive. I visit my family many times a year and travel all over this beautiful country on one or another dog mission.
German Shepherds have been my love for as long as I can remember. Understanding the demand that an intelligent animal puts on its owner, I waited until I could devote a lot of my time to training, playing, raising, showing and competing. My dogs are an integral part of the family. While they spend most of the days outside exercising, night time is house time. Everyone eats in the kitchen, for the most part together. Pups are whelped and raised in the house and introduced to the pack and the outside world as soon as it is safe.
This is Rowdy, the first German Shepherd Dog that my grandparents owned in Hamburg, Germany back in the late 1940’s.
Rowdy guarded the family store and lived with the family in the attached apartment.
The German Shepherd Dogs we breed today look quite a bit different but are direct descendants of dogs like Rowdy. The characteristics are still the same: Loyal, brave, intelligent and innately good.
We are not a big kennel and only have a few carefully chosen litters a year. We do however believe that we breed some of the highest quality German Shepherds available in North America.
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True German Shepherd Dogs, Atlanta, Georgia
Contact info
Owner: Nadia Adams
Address: Atlanta, Georgia
Phone: (678) 480-6000
Email: info@ohertannen.com
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